Dictrict Institute Of Education And Trainning, Bharuch

Objectives Of DIET

DIET’s objective could be briefly stated in the following terms:
To provide academic and resource support at the grass roots level for the success of the various strategies and programmes being undertaken in the areas of elementary and adult education, with special reference to the following objectives.

Elementry Education

  1. Universalition of primary/elementary education.
  2. Adult Education:
    1. NLM targets in regard to functional literacy in the 15-35 age group.
      1. To make primary education all extensive at the District level.
      2. To undertake action research to improve the quality of primary education.
      3. To provide training to primary school Head Masters, teachers, conductors of adult education centres, observers and, main volunteers of Anganwadis and Balwadis.
      4. To organize various training programmes for primary school teachers and to prepare self made educational tools.
      5. To provide training to C.R.C. and B.R.C. co-coordinators belonging to the district.
      6. To arrange for progressive development of B.R.C. and C.R.C.


  1. Training and orientation of following target groups:
    1. Elementary school teachers (both pre-service and in-service).
    2. Head Masters, Heads of School Complexes and officers of Educational Department up to block level.
    3. Instructors and supervisors of Non formal and Adult Education (induction level and continuing education)
    4. Members of DBE and Village Education Committees (VEC’s), community leaders, youth and other volunteers who wish to work as educational activities.
    5. Resource persons who will conduct suitable programmes for the target groups mentioned in (a) and (c) above, at centers other than DIET.
  2. Academic and resource support to the elementary and adult education systems in the district in other ways e.g. by …
    1. Extension activities and interaction with the field,
    2. Provision of services of a resource and learning centre for teachers and instructors,
    3. Development of locally relevant materials, teaching aids, evaluation tools etc., and
    4. Serving as an evaluation centre for elementary schools and programmes of NFE/AE.
  3. Action research and experimentation to deal with specific problems of the district in achieving the objectives in the areas of elementary and adult education.
  4. To provide training and guidance for implementation of programmes like activity based and joyful learning and creating willingness to go to school.
  5. To undertake research and experimentation, keeping in mind problems of the educational arena and to solve them.
  6. To familiarize Headmasters, teachers, C.R.C.s, B.R.C.s co-coordinators and supervisors with new approach.
  7. To organize seminars and workshops to enhance the abilities for teaching subjects like Mathematics, Science, work Experience, Art teaching and Yoga teaching at the primary school level.
  8. To provide guidance for diagnosis and remedies for abilities established by the students through capacity aimed evaluation and also lack of abilities thereof.
  9. To provide guidance and evaluation techniques to ensure success for activity based education.
  10. To visit alternative schools for migrant children and to give guidance there.
  11. To visit V.E.C, M.T.A., .T.A. and provide guidance to the same.
  12. To undertake programmes for non-ritualistic education.
  13. To make lecturers visit meetings at C.R.C level & to provide guidance.
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